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The Art of the Blog

The Art of the Blog

Business blogging can be extremely beneficial, not only in terms of maintaining or improving your company’s search engine optimization, but also in helping to develop a following and/or client base. However, the secret is to not to hawk your wares or services...
The “Who” and the “What” of Web Design

The “Who” and the “What” of Web Design

Content Is What It’s About Like the essential 5 “Ws” of a news story (who, what, where, when and why), the 2 “Ws” (who and what) are essential in order for a business-to-business (B2B) website to successfully do its job. Content is the reason a potential client comes...
Welcome Aboard

Welcome Aboard

We live in a world of information overload. And in as much as  I’m being  constantly bombarded with news and information on the ever-changing world of the Internet and how one should or should not go about marketing one’s self, I would suspect you are as...